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Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Breakfast with Mommy

Mommy got stuck with Jury duty this week...for the 3rd time in just a couple of years! No fun! Anyway, after dropping Presley off with Uncle Brent for the morning, Mommy and Makenzie decided to make a stop at Shipley's Donuts for some breakfast before dropping Makenzie off at school.  Makenzie said she needed a Mommy date, and I was more than happy to spend that extra quality time with my big girl.  She decided on a chocolate sprinkle donut and chocolate milk (oh the sugar!), and loved every bit of it!


  1. Yum, what a nice morning stop. Enjoy our jury duty, hope you don't get a case that keeps you to long.

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    Have a great day!
    Come visit me sometime


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